Mid Central Community Action (MCCA) is a dynamic non-profit organization that provides proactive support, advocacy, and education for individuals and families in McLean and Livingston Counties. Our important work serves to eliminate domestic violence, combat homelessness, and create a community hub for financial stability.  Whether it be through providing housing for those in need or providing alternatives for those seeking assistance, we give people options and coaching to assist in providing hope for a positive future.



The 1964 then-President Lyndon Johnson signed the Economic Opportunity Act officially declaring the "war on poverty." Mid Central Community Action formed on October 21st as the McLean County Economic Opportunity Corporation (MCEOC) in response to the community’s need for a unified voice to address the economic problems in the Bloomington-Normal area of McLean County, Illinois.

In the last half of a century, MCCA has developed an extensive program for domestic violence survivors and is the only such provider in McLean County. We are the only HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agency and LISC FOC® in McLean and Livingston Counties. We are also the only agency that provides a permanent supportive housing option for previously homeless individuals.

Community Needs Assessment

Below are two surveys, available in three languages. One is for community members of McLean and Livingston Counties, and the other is for stakeholders (clients/organizations) of both counties. Please choose accordingly. You are welcome to take both! Mid Central Community Action, Inc. would like to understand the challenges and needs of residents like you. The information collected will be used to ensure services are available in the future to address McLean County and Livingston County residents’ needs. All surveys are confidential.

Community Members Survey (ENGLISH) 

Community Members Survey (ESPAÑOL) 

Community Members Survey (FRANÇAIS) 


Mid Central Community Action, Inc. would like to obtain a wide range of opinions from various stakeholders regarding residents’ challenges and needs. If you are a stakeholder that resides in McLean or Livingston Counties, you are eligible to take this survey. Mid Central Community Action needs your organization's knowledge of and experience with McLean County and Livingston County residents. The information from this survey, along with other data being collected, will be used to determine the services and assistance provided to McLean County and Livingston County residents in the future. All survey responses will be kept confidential.


Stakeholders Survey (ENGLISH) 

Stakeholders Survey (ESPAÑOL) 

Stakeholders Survey (FRANÇAIS) 


Annual Report